a) Under the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Transform Career UK Ltd is required to comply with the GDPR and undertakes to do so.
b) Throughout this policy document, numbers prefixed by “Art:“ in brackets (eg: {Art:5}) refer to the relevant Article(s) in the GDPR.
For ease of access, extracts of relevant GDPR Articles are contained in the Appendix to this Policy.
The definitions of terms used in this policy are the same as the definitions of those terms detailed in Article-4 of the GDPR.
Data Subject
A data subject is an identifiable individual person about whom the business holds personal data.
For the purposes of this Policy, “Contact Information” means any or all of the person’s:
The organisation will ensure that all personal data that it holds will be:
The business will obtain, hold and process all personal data in accordance with the GDPR for the following lawful purposes.
In all cases the information collected, held and processed will include Contact Information (as defined in 2 above).
To get a full copy of this policy, please email us at info@tcul.co.uk
Transform Career is a community-based training provider offering unwavering support services to local residents.
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